As we adjust to social distancing which prevents us from bringing you our live programming, and as we look for ways to nourish our spirits, we developed new ways to bring NYS legal history to your email inbox as moments to pause.
Podcast Spotlight
The Evolution of Slavery, Abolition in NY, and the NY Courts — The Lemmon Slave Case

Trustees Dennis E. Glazer and Hon. Albert M. Rosenblatt trace New York’s relationship with slavery from the early days of the colony to the climate of the nation leading up to the Civil War. This episode culminates in an investigation into the Lemmon Slave Case.
We’re also bringing you new digital programming through podcasts, covering wide-ranging topics from NYS legal history. We have quite a few exciting podcasts in the works!
Judicial Notice: Chatting and Blogging with the Authors

Our latest issue of Judicial Notice has been delayed due to COVID-19. However, we are returning to talk to Judicial Notice authors in our podcast series Chatting with the Authors and previewing Issue 15 with blog posts by our authors.
Chatting with the Authors Podcasts
Blogging with the Issue 15 Authors
From the Perspective of the Educators: Teaching NYS Legal History

As teaching moves into new territories with the pivot to remote learning during the pandemic, we caught up with our educators to discuss the programs they are working on with us, their experiences with distance teaching, and what they think the future of teaching will look like.
Teaching Legal History Podcasts
Common Threads of Justice

Common Threads of Justice looks back into our video archives and ahead to our current projects to showcase the common threads that weave the tapestry of NYS legal history.