HSoftheNYCourts Oral History Project, begun in 2005, consists of recorded interviews and transcriptions from judges and lawyers who tell their stories in intimate conversations with former clerks or colleagues. Participants reflect on childhood, events that shaped them, and their careers on the bench, in public service, and in the practice of law. Judges are invited to participate after they have retired from the bench. Brief biographies of the currently sitting Court of Appeals Judges, including NYS Chief Judge Rowan D. Wilson, are available here.
These interviews are not intended to present a complete, verified description of events. They are personal recollections and perceptions. They are unique and irreplaceable, with a special cadence that comes from hearing a unique voice tell each story.
Chief Judges of New York State
Court of Appeals Associate Judges
Other New York State Judges
Legal Luminaries
Expanding Upon Our Oral History Project
The Society has produced the following videos which relate to the themes addressed in the Society’s Oral History Project, reflecting contributions to New York’s jurisprudence.
A Mini-Oral History of Hon. Paul G. Feinman, 1960-2021
Honoring Lady Justice: NYS Court of Appeals Women Jurists (2013)
At the Helm: A 30 Year Legacy of Leadership (2015)
Passing the Gavel: Continuity, Collaboration and Transition (2016)
Get to Know: The Four Presiding Justices of the Appellate Divisions (2017)
Collection of Bench & Bar Reminiscences
Hon. Benjamin N. Cardozo
“The Bench and Bar”
Hon. Frederick E. Crane
“Detail Work of the New York Court of Appeals”
Hon. Richard C. Wesley
“New York’s Court of Appeals: A Personal Perspective”
Israel T. Deyo
“Reminiscences After Sixty-Four Years at the Bar”
James Kent
“Letter to Thomas Washington”
“Remarks on Retirement of Judge Jasen”