Anthony Colve

Unknown Governor of New Netherland, 1673-1674 Anthony Colve, a Dutch naval captain, was appointed Director-General of New Netherland in August 1673 when the Dutch … More Anthony Colve »

Jan Lampo

Unknown Schout-Fiscael of New Netherland, 1626-1631 During Director Pieter Minuit’s administration, the Schout-fiscael was Jan Lampo, an Englishman from Canterbury who also acted as … More Jan Lampo »

Coenraad Notelman

Unknown Schout of New Netherland, 1632-1634; 1634-1635 Coenraad Notelman, a cousin of Patroon Killiaen van Rensselaer, was appointed by the Dutch West India Company … More Coenraad Notelman »

Jacques Bentyn

Unknown Schout-fiscael of New Netherland, 1636-1638 Jacques Bentyn (or Bentin), an Englishman, was appointed by the Dutch West India Company to Director Wouter Van … More Jacques Bentyn »

Ulrich Lupolt

Unknown Schout-fiscael of New Netherland, 1638-1639 Ulrich Lupolt, a native of Stade, Germany, who on March 28, 1638 replaced Jacques Bentyn as Schout-fiscael, was … More Ulrich Lupolt »

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