Pieter Tonneman


Schout of New Amsterdam, 1660-1665

The Dutch West India Company ordered the separation of the office of Schout of New Amsterdam from that of the New Netherland Schout-fiscael and, on April 9, 1660, commissioned Pieter Tonneman to be the Schout of New Amsterdam. He was sworn into office on August 5, 1660, the first independent Schout of New Amsterdam.

Pieter Tonneman was a long-time employee of the Dutch West India Company and became schout of the villages on Long Island in 1654, a position he held until he became schout of Brooklyn in 1656. He continued in this office until 1660, when he was appointed Schout of New Amsterdam.
On January 3, 1657, Pieter Tonneman was appointed to the New Netherland Council, and he served as councillor until 1660.

When the Dutch surrendered New Netherland to the English in 1664, Pieter Tonneman chose to return to Holland. He resigned his office in February 1665 and was succeeded by Allard Anthony.

Note: Summaries of the cases of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens are available in full text, online, in Edmund Bailey O’Callaghan. Minutes of the court of Burgomasters and Schepens.



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