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Hon. Alex Calabrese is Acting Supreme Court Justice of the State of New York and the Presiding Judge of the Red Hook Community Justice Center, which is the most comprehensive community court in the United States. As the only Justice that presides over this court, with Criminal, Family, and Housing Court jurisdiction, Judge Calabrese is able to administer justice by offering an array of sanctions and services, including drug and mental health treatment, youth services, education and training programs, and peacemaking.
As community courts across the nation and world open, Red Hook serves as a model for the successful application of procedural justice and fairness principles and therapeutic resolutions. Judge Calabrese advises and presents nationally and internationally on community justice, problem solving courts and procedural justice and fairness principles. He began his legal career with the New York City Legal Aid Society Criminal Defense Division before serving as a Court Attorney. In 1997, his judicial career began when he was appointed to the Criminal Court bench.
Allison Morey is the Programs Director at the Historical Society of the New York Courts. She earned her Master of Museum Studies degree from the University of Toronto and her B.A. from the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater.