Daniel Alessandrino entered the New York Court system in 1973 as a Uniformed Court Officer in the New York City Courts. He held a variety of positions which included Assistant Borough Captain in Kings County Criminal court.
In 1982 Daniel was appointed Supervising Investigator of the Statewide Applicant Verification Unit, a position he held until December of 1985. The following year Daniel was named the Security Supervisor for the New York City Family Court.
Daniel continued to advance through the security ranks and in 1987 was appointed Assistant Director of Court Security Services for the courts inside New York City. He remained in that position until he was tasked with the responsibility of Human Recourse Director for the New York City Criminal Court. In 1999 he became the First Deputy Chief Clerk and served as Chief of Operation for the New York City Criminal Court.
In January of 2003 as part of OCA’s newly created Office of Policy and Planning Daniel served as Chief Management Analyst and assisted in the statewide development of Integrated Domestic Violence Courts, Drug Treatment Courts, Public Access to Court Records as well as other initiative of the Chief Judge. Daniel held that position until appointed Chief Clerk of the Criminal Term in Kings County, a position he currently holds.
David L. Goodwin is a Staff Attorney at Appellate Advocates, a public defense not-for-profit in Manhattan. He previously litigated special education cases with Partnership for Children’s Rights, now part of Mobilization for Justice. A Society Trustee, David also serves as Associate Editor for Judicial Notice, the Society’s periodical of New York Court History.