Anthony Colve


Governor of New Netherland, 1673-1674

Anthony Colve, a Dutch naval captain, was appointed Director-General of New Netherland in August 1673 when the Dutch accepted the surrender of the colony from the English. Unlike the earlier Dutch Directors of New Netherland, Anthony Colve answered to the Admiralty of Amsterdam and not to the Dutch West India Company.

Colve issued proclamations restoring the Dutch form of government and Dutch became once more the official language. Colve restored the name New Netherland to the colony, renamed New York City as New Orange, and Fort James as Fort William Hendrick.

New Netherland was returned to England under the Treaty of Westminister, and Anthony Colve surrendered the colony to Sir Edmund Andros in November 1674. When he left, Colve gave Governor Andros a gift of his coach and horses.


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