Chief Judge Janet DiFiore Announces the Lemmon Slave Case Exhibit Debut

During her biweekly video message, Chief Judge Janet DiFiore this week announced the debut of The Lemmon Case: 1852-1860 — A Prelude to the Civil War, a traveling panel exhibit intended to educate the public on the role of the New York courts in paving the way for the abolition of slavery, and the subsequent freeing of eight enslaved young women and children who sailed into New York harbor with their owners from Virginia. The exhibit began a 90-week tour to 45 courthouses around the state at the Westchester County Courthouse on November 1st.

Watch the Video of Chief Judge Janet DiFiore Announcing the Debut of the Exhibit


Click here for more information on the Lemmon Slave Case exhibit, to watch the James Earl Jones video narration, and see the tour schedule.
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